Naša profesionálna logopedička je tu, aby vám pomohla s rôznymi rečovými a jazykovými poruchami. Pre viac informácií a objednanie termínu nás kontaktujte.
Tešíme sa na vašu návštevu!

Ordinačné hodiny
Momentálne máme zmluvu so Všeobecnou zdravotnou poisťovňou a poisťovňou Dôvera.
Ostatní poistenci si služby našej logopedickej ambulancie, ako i nadštandardné služby platiť ako samoplátci. Zmluvy s ostatnými ZP sa vybavujú.

Why Us
Why You Should Use Our Medical Services

Work from the Heart
We care about your health with all our heart and sincerity so you can live happily.

Serve With Smile
Our doctors will always greet you with a smile because we prioritize the comfort of our patients.

Always Ready
We always serve whatever your health problems are at any time, even on weekends or holidays.

Accurate Diagnostics
We care about your health with all our heart and sincerity so you can live happily.

Yearly Checkup
Our doctors will always greet you with a smile because we prioritize the comfort of our patients.

Pay in Instalments
We always serve whatever your health problems are at any time, even on weekends or holidays.

Our Experts
Our Doctors & Medical Specialists
Our doctors and experts are very sincere and professional in handling your every problem, armed with qualified experience in their fields.